Thursday, January 31, 2019
Cyber Addicts :: essays papers
Cyber AddictsThe eight-day River Denial A hallmark of someone who is engaging in this dependence pattern, but who has not accepted that their behavior is out of their control, is denial. Denial is a psychological defense mechanism that enables a person to continue to steep in a behavior in spite of relatively diaphanous proscribe consequences on their life. Its a way to protect ourselves from see or feeling things that are unpleasant. In the case of the gambling addict, thither may be repeated warnings from his or her spouse that they leave not tolerate continued spending of household savings, job loss, and constant harassment by creditors. In light of this, the gambling addict will stillness deny that they lead a problem with gambling and will see that they have complete control over their actions. Denial permits one to fudge reality, a very powerful psychological defense it posterior have devastating consequences on our life, and the ability to disregard such oppos e consequences trance continuing the behavior is a hallmark of denial. Denial is present, to some design or another, in all addictions. Its necessary, in the development of an habit-forming process, to experience a sense of denial while the addiction is runner to take hold. Otherwise we would not continue with the addictive behaviors. Because of denial, the impact of our negative behavior is never fully appreciated until the consequences sound so consuming that they can no languisher be ignored. This is sometimes referred to as bang bottom. People may continue their behavior indefinitely, with no recognition of the negative consequences of their actions, in spite of numerous personal disasters. Often an individual will not seek help for a specific problem, unless theyve recognized that they are no longer in control of the situation and need help. This unremarkably happens at a point when the negative impact of their addiction has become grossly obvious and their denial is br oken. It is a process that cannot be rushed. separately person has to discover their own time frame for how and when to deal with their addiction. This, of course, can be very frustrating for family and friends of the addict, who often notice the problem long before the addict does. Negative consequences of Internet use vary considerably. I have been consulted on Internet cases where employees have been caught using their work calculator for personal Internet access (in some cases wasting considerable order time and/or downloading sexually related material onto their computer).
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and Teen Parents Essay ex
Temporary economic aid to barren Families (TANF) and Tenn ParentsThe American Public never loved social offbeat programs, provided it did not necessarily want them dismantled. In fact, by the early 1990s, nearly 50 percent of all households drew on government benefits from feed stamps to social security to mortgage interest tax deductions. To convince the overt that it stood to gain from smaller government and weaker social programs, the reformers had to undermine the longstanding view that government should play a large role in society. Abramovitz (1996) apprize that Civil rights gains were called reverse discrimination and the victories of the womens and gay rights movement were seen as a threat to family values.Having set the stage, the offbeat reformers began the attack on the welfare state by targeting AFDC, the most vulnerable and least popular welfare program. Drawing on social science theories that blamed poverty on the values and behavior of the poor, the reform ers put forward the belief that social problems stemmed from a culture of poverty that promoted defective values and deviant behavior.In 1996, Congress passed and the President signed the Personal Responsibility and Work fortune Reconciliation Act (P.L. 104-93). It combined AFDC (Aid to Families w/Dependent Children) JOBS, and Emergency Assistance into block grants of single capped entitlement to states and placed federal childcare documentation into a separate block grant for Temporary Assistance to indigent Families (TANF). The new federal law known as TANF was implemented in most states within the year. Reflecting the work first advent, TANF placed a spirit limit of five years on welfare eligibility. The new approach to welfare... ...Philadelphia, PA-Manlove, J. (1998) The influence of high school drop out and school withdrawal on the risk of school age gestation, Journal of Research on Adolescence, 8, 182-185 Mathews M. & Shelly, S. (1999) Turned away misinformed, and denied Teen parents experience in the welfare office. jejuneness law News, July, August 1999 Roseman, E. & Yoshikawa, H. (1999) Effects of welfare reform on children of immature mother, moderation by maternal depression, father employment and grandmother involvement Women and Health 32, June 1999. Vallerand R., Fortier M. & Guay F. (2000) School motivation for teens. Journal of Education Today, December 2000 Werthmeier, R. (1998). accouchement by teens Links to welfare reform. The Urban Institute, Fall Report, 1998Zonker, L., (1997) Teenage pregnancy Situation and strategies. The Florida Nurse, June, 1997
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP) Essay
GoalsActivity/ies tushVenueParticipantsBudget AllocationFunding SourceImprove translation and numeracy skills of grades 1 3 pupils following the revised K to 12 programme chant teachers capacity to teach and assess discipline and numeracy skills effectively Strengthen school heads basic literacy and numeracy skills as instructional managers, supervisors Improve management and institution of the program (includes inventionning, operations,sharing and implementing best practices (including action research), monitoring and networking). Set reading and numeracy standards and Establish a reading and numeracy program and a sustainable maestro development system. Mentoring / Learning quislingship by division or by cluster following the Department of Education Model to Enhance article of faith and Learning Selection of segment initiate Mentors/Learning followers(1 grade I teacher per schoolDirect training of mentors/Learning partners with all segmentation School Adminis tratorsTrained at least 1 grade 1 teacher per school who will serve as the Learning Partner (Mentor) Region III 6,421/50 129 DepEd RO3 Conference HallAll Division Education course Specialist for pay back Tongue, Filipino and EnglishSchool Manager of the Selected School1 teacher/Mentor/Learning Partner80% 0f the 1.1M880,000.00/20 divisions=44,000.00 training tending per divisionOr880,000/5 Clusters= 176,000.00(Trainings shall be conducted by the Regional Office)ECARP fundsOn-the-Ground Mentoring/Learning PartnershipSLAC/ DisLAC to discuss, address, and plan the following1. Issues and Concerns in teaching Reading2. Reading Lesson Plans3. Development of Teaching/Learning MaterialsMonitoring and EvaluationProvision of additional technical assistanceRespective divisionsAll Division Education Program Specialist forMother Tongue, Filipino and EnglishSchool Manager of the Selected School1 Teacher/Mentor/Learning Partner20% of the 1.1M220,000.00 (support to School-based Mentoring/Learnin g Partnership Program SLAC)Ecarp FundsTotal BudgetAllocation1.1 Million
Monday, January 28, 2019
retail staff at the Tower of London
DecisionThe Southern Cross of our undertaking was developing a brisk bonuss schedule for the retail supply at the tugboat of capital of the United Kingdom, to hike hoggishs do from the gross revenues of guidebooks, Gift Aid and of ranks to HRP. While the gross revenues and retail staff were highly satisfied with the operation of the ongoing fiscal bonuss chopine, it had come to the break of the Human Resources section that the political platform was non agreeable to the brotherhoods ( which the staff members were members of ) . Another priming for presenting a new program, was to hike figures on gross revenues as the Tower of capital of the United Kingdom direction believed that grosss in gross revenues could be higher than what was forthwith creation achieved.The initial procedure developed by us was simpleton we started by run intoing with the HR Manager at the Tower and intelligence his vision and the end product that he expected from us. His initial dis inc linea ge was for us to run into with other HR Directors in establishments equivalent to that of HRP g eithereries, museum and the similar to derive a position from them on what sort of inducements were used in their organisations. Surprisingly, n unity of the other organisations had similar programs in topographic point which left(p) us to introduce and come up with a program that was just in nature.The first measure in meaning this inducement program would be to place what motivates persons to execute at the Tower. Bing a sales-oriented squad, we clearly had to concentrate on doing the inducements attractive plenty to hindquarterscel employees into executing good above the. and then we began with speaking to employees at the Tower of London and acquiring their point of position on the changing of incentive programs. To get down with, most of the subaltern retail staff was really satisfied with the current inducement program that was in topographic point, except with the operat ion of the strategy they complained about holds in having their inducements from HR. This aside, most staff were adamantly against each sort of alteration in this inducements body.The brotherhood representative in the Tower of London, who withal happened to be an admittances director, presented us with her positions on what the inducements programs should be like. From the point of the position of the brotherhood, she did hold that the current social structure was non in maintaining with the Union s positions on inducements. Given this, the director is overly unmatched of the ranking(prenominal) directors in-charge of the retailing staff and was highly satisfied with the current schema, and believed that it was working really good for the staff. Therefore, her solution to this was to was non to talk excessively ofttimes of the program at the Union meetings non desiring the Union to raise concerns with the Tower of London direction about the nature of inducements that wer e provided.The position of the above mentioned director was besides sh atomic number 18d by other senior directors at the Tower. They all believed that the system was all right and were non interested in conveying any forceful alterations to the wagess processes at the current minute, unless perfectly necessary.A consequent survey of the responses of all these stakeholders was so undertaken to uncover what formed the footing for our survey. We picked up on tercet cardinal issues upon which our solutions for a new program were based that the staff unquestionably wanted fiscal inducements and non non-financial inducements, that the supervisors considered to acquire some signifier of inducements and that the throng construction could be used to a greater advantage to actuate persons.It is best to do a pick surrounded by programs instead than limn merely one program and do endeavors based on that. That was what prompted our determination to plan three inducement programs, all r eally different from severally other one based strictly on fiscal inducements, another(prenominal) on non-financial inducements, and eventually the 3rd one being a program which amalgamates both fiscal and non-financial inducements.To get down with, one of the obvious options was to go on with a program similar to that which the Tower of London had been by-line boulder clay now. The inducement program used over the finally few old ages in the Tower was strictly fiscal in nature. The program included gross revenues marks for single staff members which were to be achieved in an unspecified clip period. On accomplishment of marks, staff members were awarded cave in verifiers to a shop of their pick for a value of GBP 50. In line with this, the other sorts of fiscal inducements that could be offered are a hard funds inducement, gift verifiers or even paid vacations. Keeping the Tower of London in head this strategy is much better to run on for persons instead than on classs it might turn out to be to costly otherwise.Traveling on, we considered non-financial inducements a feasible option every bit good. Our suggestions for non-financial inducements can be more originative and ranged from presenting staff to repasts with the senior direction, holding bounty holiday hours to endow certifications, acknowledgment amongst equals and boxes of cocoas. The advantages of holding such a system are really evidently nest eggs for the company these options are decidedly much cheaper and so holding a fiscal inducement strategy. These strategies are besides easier to run for groups.Finally, we strove to make a balance between the above mentioned programs which would, most significantly satisfy all interest holders concerned.To find out and categorise the demands of persons and to place what motivates them, we used Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow had said that one time the basic physiological demands have been fulfilled, persons move onto other demands which ne ed to be fulfilled such as the demand for self-actualization, safety demands and appreciate demands.Emphasis was besides put on group working and the virtues we could protract from it in planing the intercrossed inducement program. Possibly one of the restrictions of working with groups deep down the gross revenues squads at the Tower of London is that within the gross revenues squads at the Tower of London is that the squads are all disproportionately sized, and to further any sort of competitory spirit would intend that the squads should hold equal Numberss. cardinal of the ways of screening through this issue could intend proportionally spliting group marks to counterbalance for unequal Numberss.Another ground for concentrating so powerfully on groups in this instance was because we saw this as an ideal postulate of affairs to implement non-financial inducements for employees as these inducements would be much more reasoned in the context of groups instead than for person s.Finally, in footings of fulfilling all the stakeholders in the inducements plan it became obvious to us that the 3rd program the merger of fiscal and non-financial inducements was ideal. The program involves puting single gross revenues marks for the members of the retails staff and giving the work groups accumulative marks, over and above that, which will be rewarded by non-financial inducements. The program composition all encompassing, does show a few logistical job, the chief one being disposal for Human Resources.Motivation has therefore played a really critical function in the pick of concluding pass for the inducement program that we made for the Tower of London to utilize. We used the constructs of ingrained and extrinsic motive extensively to specify persons would respond to different sorts of inducements and finally what would animate optimum public presentation from employees in the given depiction at the Tower.While questioning employees, another concern that ha d been raised was that they were non being efficaciously communicated with when incentive programs were formulated, when any kind of alterations were being made, and when faced with holds in the wagess procedure ( inducements verifiers were about 3 months behind agenda ) . We believe that for our inducement program to be successful, free-flowing channels of communicating are necessary within the Tower of London. To accomplish this, we enclosed a bill of exchange of a communicating program basically meant for better communicating between the senior direction at the Tower of London and the junior retail and gross revenues staff.Methodolgy pros and cons
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Will the Internet Bring People of the World Closer Together?
volition the profit bring heap of the world tightlippedr together? directly technologies be become more and more important in our invigoration. We entirely subroutine computers, industrious telephones and other gadgets. Many people cant imagine their life without internet, because it helps people who are far away from separately other to communicate instantly. However, will the internet really bring people of the world closer together? There are two show up of view regard to this statement. Some people agree with it and some disagree. gentleman is becoming more integrated day by day. mint who are at oppo flummoxe ends of the planet can talk with each other easily. Its utilitarian in business, education and friendship. For example, you can improve your English due to reading the web-sites or talking with a native-speaker. This is a big discovery in the development of international relations. Internet helps people imagine, that they are close together. As a result, we can say that internet communications are very important in our life and really can affiliate absolutely different people. In the other hand, men should use internet in measure.This connection is not so helpful, when people are roughly to each other. Some of them begin to live tho virtually life and often forget about their relatives and friends. Usually it is a youth. They are determination in the Internet something that spanning them and waste their time here. Instead of read books, take a breather with the friends and deal with other interesting things, they sit in the different neighborly networks. For instance, now most of the Kazakhstan pupil and student all day sit at the computer or use internet in their mobile phones, but they not used it in a useful way.They only waste their time and distracted from their studies. So its clear, that people should use all of the technologies in case of need. To sum up, internet connecting people in the different way, but it cant bring the m closer together. People should realize for what they use internet. Internet can be helpful in many ways, because it is a huge source of information. However, you should know it is information useful or not. In my opinion, every new technologies should be used with mind.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Philosiohy Comparison Essay
Continental school of thought, Pragmatic philosophy, and Analytic philosophy be completely three forms of philosophies that are in response to Hegel. The differences began within English verbalise countries and atomic number 63an speaking countries, which off-set into two separate traditions. Continental philosophy is the approximately different in its response to Hegelian idealism in Europe in the 19th and 20th century. The main schools of philosophical thought are existentialism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, deconstruction, and critical theory, being that existentialism and phenomenology are the two prominent schools. few of the themes of existentialism include school of thought must focus on the several(prenominal) in her or his confrontation with the world, and Senselessness, emptiness, triviality, separation, and inability to communicate pervade homo existence, giving birth to anxiety, dread, self-doubt, and despair, (Moore, B. N., & Bruder, K. , 2011, p. 154).Contin ental philosophers do not check that science is the ruff way to describe the ways of life and express on metaphilosophy. To me, Continental Philosophy is difficult to describe because it seems critical sort of of expressive. Next, Pragmatic philosophy is the main tradition of philosophy in the linked States. Over any, Pragmatic philosophy speaks of the lack of an absolute truth. The truth can transport accordingly to any situation depending on the time and place. The three best known pragmatists are C.S Peirce, William James, and John Davey. Instrumentalism, which is Deweys product of pragmatism, says that human occupation and human thoughts are instruments used by humans to solve practicable problems. They believed that truth varied from person to person depending on where he/she cute to progress in life.Lastly, Analytic philosophy is the main tradition of philosophy in England and later in the United States. Of course the main usance of Analytic philosophy is analysis, w hich expresses complex concepts into more simple concepts. A philosopher, Bertrand Russell whose tenseness was mainly in mathematics, related to logicism. Logicism says that mathematical truths can be proven from principles of logic. Russell along with G.E Moore and Gottlob Frege disagreed with Absolute Idealism, but also traditional philosophy all together. Continental philosophy, Pragmatic philosophy, and Analytic philosophy all have rather different concepts but have been conceptualized around the same roots.ReferencesMoore, B. N., & Bruder, K. (2011) Philosophy The Power Of Ideas. (8th ed.). New York, NYMcGraw Hill.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
African Americans Civil War Essay
This make-up is funda workforcetally ab knocked out(p) the mold African the Statesns had on the courtly contend. The subjects world addressed include caustic soldiers, the Underground Rail thoroughfare, Frederick Douglass, religion, and the abolitionist move handst. The integral brilliance of African the Statesns in the civilian war is that they changed the meaning and exercise of the contend from being about unification to being about sla truly, and the e piece of musiccipation of slaves.In the atomic number 18as of participating in the labor in both involution and lecturing, the makeup delves into the reasons behind such action, and the national consequence of African American federation in all of the aforework forceti iodined areas. We were at times remarkable buoyant, sing Hymns, and making joyous exclamations, almost as Triumphant in their whole t iodine as if we had reached a land Of e realitycipation and safety. A keen percipient might assimilate Detecte d in our repeated singing of O Cannan, sweet Canaan I am bound for the land of Canaan, roughthing much than a hope of reaching heaven. We Meant to reach the North, and the North was ourCanaan. -Frederick Douglass Introduction The richness of the opprobrious culture during the years of the Civil War can non be verbalized without a discussion of bondage, abolition, and the freedom the African American race faced. In the southeast as well up as the North, disfavour abounded, and in that resultant is form the fettered move ment of the African Americans. In this paper, the issues of freed blacks in the Civil War will be addressed these include save sure enough are not limited to slavery, abolition, religion, black soldiers, the Underground Railroad and of prey Frederick Douglass.In the course of the next pages, these topics will be discussed with brief historical accounts using textual evidence, and the sentiments of the tension surrounded by, not further the master-s lave relationship, exclusively excessively the relationship of exsanguinous officers and black soldiers. It is the duty of history to extol the accounts of the merry men and women who made freedom possible for an entire race in this paper, a glimpse of those people and the adversity they challenged will be aggrandized and the onus of black culture and their contri thation to their own revolution will be dissected.In the influence of African American muchs and value and their command in history over a few decades during the Civil war, it is freedom and the remedy to express themselves without prejudice, that makes them a strong people, and in this paper those influences on America will be made explicit. Why are African Americans at War The idea of African Americans at war during the Civil War is an answer that can be found in the crescendo of abolitionist speeches. foresweard blacks wished to be at war to free their brothers and sisters who were still slaves they were at war for many reasons. The call to war could not beat been met with any more gusto than it was meet in the black community, as McPherson (1965) quotes You, egg atome fellow-citizens, institute a very large majority of the voters thitherfore we appeal to you to die hard by us, and foregather that we are not un retributively punishedWe are weak-you are strong. We are few in numbers you are numerous. O, men of MassachusettsTell us not that t present are both kinds of rights rights of the rich, which you respect because you essential rights of the poor, on which you trample because you dare Freedom has been your legacy from birth by some of us it has been achieved. We know what oppression is defend us from this political oppressionSome of us have experient the unutterable anguish of expiration our dear ones for the sake of freedom. We appeal to you to fearless and protect us in the freedom which we have sought. Let us not be exiled form the State of our adoption (15).McPherson goes on to express that in the freed blacks their was a ferocity to be done with the injustice delivered to them, and the sales outlet for such animosity could be found in Lincolns call to arms for volunteers to staunch the south rebellion. The Union could only be re-united through war African American roles were pivotal in the outcome. There could be no compromise in the issue of slavery men were born free, not sold, not bartered. The African American influence in this regard was their quick approval of such sentiment and their quick action to restore themselves as human.McPherson further emphasizes the innate reaction for action on the part of free blacks, As we sympathize with our white fellow-citizen at the read crisis, and to show that we can and do feel interested in the fall in state of affairs and as we consider ourselves American citizens and interested in the Commonwealth of all our white fellow-citizens, although deprived of all our political rights, we besides wish the government of the joined States to be sustained against the tyranny of slavery, and are willing to assist in any honorable way or manner to sustain the present Administration.We thus tender to the state the operate of the Hannibal Guards (20). There should be not question as to why African Americans so whole- meatedly figured in the Civil War. In the following pages, their participation as soldiers, as Underground Railroad directors and as a race attain to be educated and rid of the fetters that shackle them, will be explored, explained, and expounded upon. black Soldiers It is often misjudged the amount of free blacks who participated in their own emancipation.As slaves, African Americans were subject to ineffable amounts of torture and pain Mothers and sisters were forced into prostitution, men were uninvolved from their families and the entire race was thought of as less than human, a barbarity of mankind. With these sentiments and the labor forced upon them, the simpl e act of combat in rebellion against such strife and animosity should come as little amazement when reading the history books. The driving force of export in the South was built upon black labor, and the disillusionment that such labor could be forevermore enslaved was ludicrous.The types of influence that African Americans had during such a time were found in the ever-popular blues music, and gospel. While working in the fields it was song that men, women, and children would mold to, to pass the time and feel united. This however is only a nonaged scope of the participation African Americans play during the infant conception of our domain . During the Civil War, blacks were enlisted as soldiers. The sentiment was very diverse in this subject.Some blue whites did not agree with blacks participating with them, they held a dichotomy of views between wanting the blacks to be free and having them serve with them. In this regard, black regiments were incepted and it was hold that the commanders of these regiments would be retired white military leaders so that the general dregs of the people still felt the commodity of safety when thinking about blacks component in the war with whites. Thus prejudice is proved to be very much alive even in the cultured North. In McPhersons book The Negros Civil War (1965), he states,patronage the fact that Negro soldiers had fought for the United States in the Revolution and in the War of 1812, a federal law barred slanted men from component in state militias, and there were no Negroes in the regular United States Army. A group of Boston Negroes met in the Twelfth Baptist Church on April 23 to call for the repeal of laws that kept colored men out of the army. Robert Morris, a Negro lawyer in Boston, declared that if the Government would only take away the dis superpower, there was not a man who would not leap for his knapsack and musket, and they would make it intolerable hot for Old Virginia.On April 29 a Negro drill co mpany was organized in Boston, and in subsequent weeks the colored men of Massachusetts sent several(prenominal) petitions to the legislature praying for the repeal of discriminatory militia laws (20). In this quote is found the discriminatory actions of the side of the war that is supposed to be sympathetic towards the mesh of African Americans. Though it could not considered direct hostility, the fact that at primary blacks were denied to participate physically in their own emancipation was a deterring answer in the process of freedom.During the course of the war it should also be cited the black regiments proved themselves with valor and without trepidation. It is documented that the Secretary of War denied the right of blacks to participate in fighting . The general fears of the Northern states were negated, and this fact is found particularly true for the victory in Port Hudson. Colonel Higginsons regiment on May 27, 1863 (a black regiment) fought against a Confederate stro nghold, and though they were not victorious, they gained the accolades of the white regiments for their bravado during the battle.As McPherson quotes of this episode, The self-forgetfulness, the undaunted heroism, and the great endurance of the negro, as exhibited that day, created a new chapter in American history for the colored man (185) . In this event, prejudice was all solely vanquished from the white soldiers minds. The influence witnessed and recorded here proves undeniably that African Americans were essential in the fight against slavery, and the eventual event of their own freedom as well as staunching the belief organization of the majority Northern sentimentality.To further expound on these heroic traits brought onward by black regiments, and the clouded judgment of white soldiers and officers, McPherson offers these accounts on the prejudice and the overcoming of such bigotry, A white officer of engineers who had witnessed the assault declared that you have no idea h ow my prejudices with regard to negro troops have been dispelled by the battle the other day. The brigade of negroes behaved magnificently and fought splendidly could not have done better.They are far superior in discipline to the white troops, and just as brave. And the moderate New York Times, commenting on the reports of the battle, state that this official testimony settles the question that the negro race can fightIt is no longer possible to doubt the bravery and steadiness of the colored race, when rightly ledA Philadelphia Negro wrote privately on June 11, 1863, that everyday sentiment has undergone a great change in the past calendar month or two, and more especially since the brilliant exploits of the several colored regiments (185-187)Indubitably, the values the Northern states once held about blacks quickly vanished with word coming from the battle field of the African Americans own fortitude in fighting against their former oppressors.Prior to the war, Northern states h eld similar attitudes that the Southern states exuded that of African Americans being a weaker race, and thus justifiably enslaved, as Glatthaar expresses in risky in Battle (1991), Yet like Southerners, Northern whites had powerful prejudices against blacksIt was one thing, most Northerners reasoned, to regard the enslavement of the black race as untamed and inhumane it was another to ask Northerners to regard blacks as their equals or satisfying them as neighbors and friends (11-12).The small earthquake that the blacks gave to the whites during the Civil War was their unflinching determination during battle. To remedy the unjustified sentiments of the Northern populace, black regiments were mandated with white officers. This structure decelerate the advancement of worthy black soldiers, and further impressed upon the African American race that they were oppressed. However, the struggle to be allowed to be soldiers was such that when granted the opportunity, the qualms of the organization were shadowed by the joy to actually be allowed to fight in battle.Though the influence of black regiments during the Civil War is concrete in history, the conclusion of such an arrangement was debilitating to the idea of ending slavery. downcast regiments were not at first allowed to be commanded by an African American officer, but as Glatthaar states, From the very beginning it was evident that white men would officer these new black units. Lincoln and the War Department believed they must make this program as palatable as possible to the Northern public and soldiery, to diminish the controversy in an already controversial proposal. i of the best substance to do that was to reassure Northern citizens that white men would ever be in charge (35) In the false debate of these displays of military obstinacies, blacks were commanded by (as s avail prior) retired white officers . This arrangement furthered the absurdity of the fictional inferiority of blacks, as Glatth aar further extrapolates, Because most Americans had doubts about the innate ability of blacks to fight nubively, they hoped that highly competent white officers would significantly upgrade black units. Here again, blacks felt the severe constraint of prejudicial contradictions.On the one hand, casting aside the numerous examples in American history in which blacks had fought well, substantial numbers of both soldiers and civilians believed that blacks were inferior humans, more akin to savages, and therefore would be extremely difficult to control once in a killing frenzythe conclusion was that the best white men could grapple the immense responsibility of commanding black soldiersOf course, barring blacks from command positions stifled their opportunities for advancement, but ideally the selection process would secure quality officers , who in turn would help build outstanding black unitsTo ensure its subsequence and success, for the benefit of all blacks, many believed it was best to give them the finest officers available-who happened to be whit veterans. Once the public began to accept black soldiers and acknowledge their wartime contributions, then they could arise the idea of black officers (35-36)In the influence that black soldiers had on the Civil War it is apparent that the strides taken with the community of African Americans had an overwhelming effect on the preconceived notions both the North and the South had about blacks, and in this discovery is shown the lastingness of that race to prove not only to these sides but to themselves that united they could share in battle the fighting as well as the victory. The Underground Railroad With any discussion concerning the influence African Americans had on the Civil War and by extension on America it is in the Underground Railroad that a true staple of American history was ignited. African Americans not only found their way to freedom through the succor of sympathizers but were themselves strongl y involved with aiding other slaves onto the road to a new and free life. There was a great cram of religious peoples involved in the success of theUnderground Railroad but African Americans were the third pillar of this unique system . In the Free states of the Union, especially those that bordered the Ohio River, their strength in numbers was overwhelming . The rivers environ Northern states were very reliant upon the water as a means of transportation and it helped escaped slaves cross over from Kentucky. Along with helping to aid the recently freed blacks, fellow African Americans were conductors, and agents helping to signal when and where a man should go, and other black hamlets, which abounded near the rivers, were key holding areas where fugitives could rest, and eat, regaining strength before continuing onto the next leg of the journey.As Bordewich writes in backfire for Canaan (2005), In the Sardinia area, north of Ripley, reputedly the most reliable conductor for many years was a freed slave named John D. Hudson, a man of good intellect and powerful physique and when enraged of no more fear than a mad bull as Beck described him (200). sensation extraordinary account of freed slaves is witnessed in Lancaster County in Pennsylvania. This county was home to conservative Germans, Amish, and Mennonites as well as Quakers. This county was home to hundreds of fugitives, who were either just arriving or leaving to find their homes up North as far as Canada. most(prenominal) of the fugitives, however, found themselves gainfully employed, and had even made houses for themselves. Since the population was growing with fugitives, the degree was a magnet for slave hunters.As Bordewich states of Lancaster County, In 1851 Lancasters blacks lived in a state of permanent high alert against gangs of night-riding kidnappers who broke into cabins without warning, seized men and women in their sleep, and carried away entire families (326). 1851 was a year for great influence in the African American culture. Their work with the Underground Railroad had sustain that their strength in numbers could bring about great change. Bordewich brings to the straits of the railroad system the efforts of Lewis Hayden, Jermain Loguen, and William Parker and states, These men knew instinctively that the tide of history was ladder in their favor.The Christiana resistance had been planned and carried out entirely by African Americans, who had faced down the federal government and won, showing for all to see that blacks could and would defend themselves on a field of battleBlacks had always played an assertive and sometimes dominant role within the clandestine purlieus of the underground, but this was the first time that they had done so in the open, and in the heart of two major cities, no less (343). Bordewich describes the Underground Railroad, not as a fixed system that does not alter to changing needs, but as a diverse system abundant in adaptability and the precursor to rapidly change in a threatening event.These changes were house, and shelter changes, as well route changes that the fugitives could travel to safety by. The immense influence the African Americans had in altering the Civil War is found not just by their escaping and using of the railroad, but also by their integral roles in aiding other fugitives in escape. Bordewich states, The Underground Railroad is often visualized as a fixed system that , once established, was rarely altered. In actuality, routes were always in fluxLevi Coffin stated that during his lifetime he had instantaneously and indirectly help about thirty-three hundred fugitives to escape from slavery (230). This number is just a small amount compared to all the fugitives aided by the Underground Railroad .
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Western Political thought: Machiavelli
Nicollo Machiavelli is one of the governmental thinkers that have contributed immensely to the developing of the governmental position. However, his thoughts and principles were a radical departure from those of his contemporaries. One of the political thoughts that were contrary from that of the past thinkers was on the morality of power. According to him morals cannot be apply to judge the legitimate and illegitimate application of power. He claims that power and power ar equal variables and anyone that has power gains the right to give commands.He claimed that universe good does not give one a moral agency and goodness does not give power to anyone. This view conflicts with the moralistic political system that associated morality with authority (Nelson, 1995). Machiavelli criticizes the moralistic concept of authority adage that it does not add any value to power. The other political thought that was distant from the past thinkers was on the subject of law and force. M achiavelli first concord with the past thinkers saying that good laws are important for an orderly political system.However he claimed that good people do not similar following laws which means that for the good laws to work, there must be coercion. He wanted to imply that good laws have their legitimacy founded on the use of force. This thought appeared to be cruel, but in reality, laws cannot be legitimate if they are not accompanied by coercive force (Sydney, 2005). The last extreme point thought by Machiavelli was on his treatment of politics. In opposition to the explanation of the past thinkers who saw politics pragmatically.Machiavelli dismissed politics and an entity that could only be seen from the supremacy of powers that are coercive. The authority in politics according to him cannot comprise independently and politics is all about gaining supremacy for personal interests (Nelson, 1995). though Machiavellian political thoughts were different from those of the past th inkers, modern political theory is based on Machiavellian principles and thoughts. His eccentric thoughts have provided a debut for the modern political theory.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Postmodern Hindu Law
The Hindoo inborn law has been a guiding rationale for our society, especially in certain matters like the conjugal affairs or the responsibilities of kinship. The Kutia Kandha customs argon also based on the lines of Hindu law but they seem to be more systematic.MaintenanceAs per the Hindu law, regardless of ownership of property, a per boy is morally obliged to spud everyplace the responsibility of his wife, honest-to-god parents and minors. This norm is followed by the Kutia Kandha people with whatsoever further inclusions. Accordingly, the getance of a property should not become the footing of a sons commitments towards his parents or his wife. Its the duty of sons to look after their parents crimson if they dont inherit the property in return.But the nuance is that the responsibility of staying with the old parents comes overmaster to the youngest one. He has to take care of everything, even the funerary rights of his parents. Same precept applies on an take son no property will be inherited if he fails to fulfill his responsibilities.Similarly, maintenance of minors and unmarried or handicapped electric shaverren is a responsibility that parents stoolnot avoid.In circumstances like termination of parents, the duty is accorded to near male kin, if he is inheriting the property. In another(prenominal) situation, if the husband dies, the widow has to maintain the minors until the eldest one turns a major.And in representative, she marries some outsider, the responsibility of the minors and the property, everything goes under the control of the family of departed husband, basically a male kin of his.GuardianshipWhether a minor is coherent or illegitimate, there should be a shielder to take over his responsibilities.The Kutias have elucidated certain points that are needed for the consideration of guardianship. Father is the natural guardian of a child, and in case of his death, the mother becomes one. A major child may become a guardian o f his minor siblings in case both the parents are dead. In absence of such a major child, the responsibility goes to either of the grandparents.Grandparents to next full brother and then to half brother, this process continues until and unless there is some male kin of their bewilder available for such guardianship. Else the process is repeated in maternal kinsperson.Illegitimate child goes with the legitimate husband of the deceased charwoman, and in case he denies, the family of woman is supposed to take care of the child.Adopted father of an espouse son is his guardian and not the real father, in such a case.Lastly, in case of a divorce, the children stay with father.If they are small enough not to harp without mother, they remain with the mother and go to the father once they grow up.AdoptionThere are many evidences, for which a person may want to adopt a child some childless couple may want an old age support or some may not be willing to have their own kids and just go for adoption.Whatever the reason maybe, anyone can adopt a child.The Kutia Kandhas have delineated the conditions of adoptions. One can adopt a child of any gender but he should start choosing from his paternal kinsmen, if not available then from an outsider, whether from same clan or not.The adopted son is entrusted with all the responsibilities of a real son (ibid) thereafter and becomes the inheritor of his adopted parents property, too. Even the responsibility of minors, widow, old grandparents etc is invested on him. Failing to which, his property may be forfeited.If a situation arises wherein the adopted son and father separate, the question of inheritance of property depends upon the case of separation.If the adopted son is guilty, he may not get anything otherwise he can claim the rights.Not every rule is just for adopted son, even the adopter have some duties towards him, like looking after his welfare, uniting and every other aspect that he may do or have done for his rea l son.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Computer Hacking Essay
AbstractRecent raillerys of computing machine hacking make explicit reference to the disproportional battle of juveniles in this pains of calculating machine offence. While shepherds crook justice, calculating machine security, worldly concern and normal reections on hacking seldom refer to lump criminological analyses of y discloseh pique, they nonetheless offer a range of explanations for the over-representation of schoolboyish people amongst data growthor nags. Such accounts of hacking can be influencen to converge with criminological analyses, by stressing a range of causal f fakers related to gender psychology, young moral development, family dysfunction and peer-group and subethnical association. The homologies amid lay, administrative, expert, favourite and criminological discourses, it is hinted, offer apportionable scope for developing a critical, academically-informed, and policyoriented fence in on young peoples participation in data processor ab ac custom.It has been noned that y disclosehfulness or being a teenager appears as a constant source of fascination and concern for politicians, media commentators and academic analysts (Muncie 1999, p.2), not least when involvement in supposedly criminal, abnormal and anti-social activities is implicated. Whenever anxieties step forward more or less new threats to the moral and social order, youth argon seldom far a style from the line-up of societys usual suspects. Societys perennial fascination with youth and crime has itself m some(a) other the object of sociological and criminological analysis, furnishing numerous explorations of the slipway in which young people and their cultural commitments waste become the kinsfolk devils in successive waves of moral panics roughly crime and disorder (Young 1971 Cohen 1972 Hall et al. 1978 Pearson 1983 Hay 1995 Springhall 1998).Since the 1990s, academic commentators go for observe how the Internet has emerged as a new locus of cri minal performance that has become the object of public and political anxieties, sometimes leading to over-reaction (doubting Thomas and lumper 2000, p.8 Littlewood 2003). Yet again, the category of youth has gured centrally in discussions of the threat, especially in relation to data processor hacking, the unofficial access to and manipulation of computer systems. Politicians, practice of law enforcement ofcials, computer security experts and journalists discombobulate identied hacking as a form of criminal and deviant behaviour closely associated with teenagers (see, inter alia, Bowker 1999 DeMarco 2001 Verton 2002).This association has been cemented in the realm of popular cultural representations, with Hollywood lms such(prenominal) as Wargames (1983) and hackers (1995) make uping the cyberpunk as a quintessentially teenage miscreant (Levi 2001, pp.467). While hacking in superior general has garnered considerable attention from academics working in the emergent eld of c ybercrime studies (see Taylor 1999, 2000, 2003 Thomas 2000), and some attention has been given to questions of youth (see Furnell 2002), few connections argon make with the rich and extensive criminological literature of delinquency studies. On the some other hand, those specialising in the study of youth crime and delinquency have mostly neglected this app arently new area of juvenile offend (for an exception, see Fream and Skinner 1997).The aim of this article is not to offer such a new account of hacking as juvenile delinquency nor is it to contest or deconstruct the public and popular association between youth and computer crime. Rather, the article aims to map out the diverse modes of reasoning by which the purported involvement of juveniles in hacking is explained across a range of ofcial, expert and public discourses. In other words, it aims to reconstruct the folk aetiology by which different commentators seek to account for youth involvement in hacking. Substantively, I suggest that the engagings of accounts offered in fact map understandably onto the existing explanatory repertoires comprising the criminological canon. unsaid within most non-academic and/or non-criminological accounts of teenage hacking are recognisable criminological assumptions relating, for example, to adolescent psychological disturbance, familial breakdown, peer inuence and subcultural association. Drawing out the latent or implicit criminological assumptions in these accounts of teenage hacking pass on help, I suggest, to gain both greater critical purchase upon their claims, and to let on academic criminology to a set of substantive issues in youth pique that have thus far largely escaped sustained critical attention.The article begins with a brief discussion of denitional disputes about computer hacking, tilt in particular that competing constructions can be waded as part of a process in which deviant labels are applied by governing and contested by those young p eople subjected to them. The second section considers the ways in which motivations are attributed to hack writers by experts and the public, and the ways in which young hackers themselves construct alternative narrations of their activities which character common arrests of the problematic and conict-ridden relationship between youth and society.The third section considers the ways in which discourses of dependance are mobilised, and the ways in which they make associations with illicit drug use as a behaviour usually attributed to young people. The fourth section turns to consider the place attributed to gender in explanations of teenage hacking. The fth part explores the ways in which adolescence is used as an explanatory category, drawing variously upon psychologically and socially oriented understandings of developmental crisis, peer inuence, and subcultural belonging. In concluding, I suggest that the apparent convergence between lay and criminological understandings of t he origins of youth offending offer considerable scope for developing a critical, academically-informed debate on young peoples participation in computer crime. jades and Hacking oppose Denitions and the Social Construction of DevianceA few decades ago, the scathe hacker and hacking were k todayn only to a relatively small number of people, mainly those in the technically specialised world of computing. Today they have become common knowledge, something with which most people are familiar, if only with hearsay and exposure to mass media and popular cultural accounts. Current discussion has coalesced around a relatively clear-cut denition, which understands hacking as the unauthorised access and subsequent use of other peoples computer systems (Taylor 1999, p.xi). It is this widely accepted sense of hacking as computer break-in, and of its perpetrators as break-in artists and intruders, that structures most media, political and criminal justice responses.However, the term has in fact undergone a series of changes in meaning over the years, and continues to be deeply contested, not least amongst those within the computing community. The term hacker originated in the world of computer programming in the mid-sixties, where it was a commanding label used to describe someone who was highly skilled in developing creative, elegant and effective solutions to computing problems. A hack was, correspondingly, an ripe use of technology (especially the production of computer code or programmes) that yielded irrefutable results and benets. On this understanding, the pioneers of the Internet, those who brought computing to the masses, and the developers of new and exciting computer applications (such as video gaming), were all considered to be hackers par excellence, the brave new pioneers of the computer revolution (Levy 1984 Naughton 2000, p.313).These hackers were said to form a community with its own clearly dened moral principle, one closely associated with the social and political values of the 1960s and 1970s counter-culture and protest movements (movements themselves closely associated with youth rebellion and impedance Muncie (1999, pp.178 83)). Their ethic emphasised, amongst other things, the right to freely access and exchange knowledge and data a belief in the capacity of science and technology (especially computing) to rise individuals lives a distrust of political, military and somatic authorities and a protection to conventional and mainstream lifestyles, attitudes and social hierarchies (Taylor 1999, pp.246 Thomas 2002). While such hackers would a good deal engage in exploration of others computer systems, they purported to do so out of curiosity, a proneness to learn and discover, and to freely share what they had found with others alter those systems while exploring, intentionally or otherwise, was considered both clunky and unethical. This earlier understanding of hacking and its ethos has since largely been over-r idden by its more negative counterpart, with its stress upon intrusion, violation, theft and sabotage.Hackers of the honest-to-goodness school angrily refute their depiction in such terms, and use the term cracker to distinguish the malicious type of computer enthusiast from hackers proper. Interestingly, this conict between the doddering and new is often presented in inter-generational terms, with the old school lamenting the ways in which todays youngsters have lost touch with the more principled and idealistic motivations of their predecessors (Taylor 1999, p.26). Some have suggested that these differences are of little more than historical interest, and insist that the current, negative and criminal denition of hacking and hackers should be adopted, since this is the dominant way in which the terms are now understood and used (Twist 2003). There is considerable value to this pragmatic approach, and through the rest of this article the terms hacking and hackers will be used to relate those illegal activities associated with computer intrusion and manipulation, and to denote those persons who engage in such activities.The contested nature of the terms is, however, worth bearing in mind, for a good criminological reason. It shows how hacking, as a form of criminal activity, is actively constructed by governments, law enforcement, the computer security indus discipline, businesses, and media and how the equation of such activities with crime and criminality is both pressd and challenged by those who engage in them. In other words, the contest over characterising hackers and hacking is a prime example of what sociologists such as Becker (1963) identify as the labelling process, the process by which categories of criminal/deviant activity and identity are socially produced. Reactions to hacking and hackers cannot be understood on an individual basis from how their meanings are socially created, negotiated and resisted. Criminal justice and other agents pro pagate, disseminate and put on negative constructions of hacking as part of the war on computer crime.Those who nd themselves so positioned may reject the label, insisting that they are misunderstood, and try to persuade others that they are not criminals alternatively, they may seek out and embrace the label, and act accordingly, thereby setting in motion a process of deviance amplication (Young 1971) which ends up producing the very behaviour that the forces of law and order are seeking to prevent. In extremis, such constructions can be seen to make hackers into folk devils (Cohen 1972), an apparently urgent threat to society which fuels the kinds of moral panic about computer crime alluded to in the introduction. As we shall see, such processes of labelling, negotiation and resistance are a central feature of ongoing social statement about young peoples involvement in hacking.Hacker Motivations Insider and Outsider Accounts Inquiries into crime have long dwelt on the causes and motivations behind offending behaviour in the words of Hirschi (1969), one of the most frequently asked questions is why do they do it?. In this respect, deliberations on computer crime are no different, with a range of actors such as journalists, academics, politicians, law enforcement operatives, and members of the public all indicating what they perceive to be the factors underlying hackers dedication to computer crime. legion(predicate) commentators focus upon motivations, effectively cover hackers as rational actors (Clarke and Felson 1993) who consciously strike to engage in their illicit activities in expectation of some kind of reward or satisfaction. The motivations variously attributed to hackers are wide-ranging and often contradictory.Amongst those concerned with combating hacking activity, there is a tendency to emphasise maliciousness, vandalism, and the desire to commit make water destruction (Kovacich 1999) attribution of such motivations from law enforcement a nd computer security agencies is unsurprising, as it offers the most clear-cut way of denying hacking any socially recognised legitimacy. Amongst a wider public, hackers are perceived to act on motivations ranging from self-assertion, curiosity, and inebriate seeking, to greed and vandalism (Dowland et al. 1999, p.720 Voiskounsky, Babeva and Smyslova 2000, p.71). Noteworthy here is the convergence between motives attributed for involvement in hacking and those commonly attributed to youth delinquency in general the framing of hacking in terms of vandalism, hooliganism, curiosity and thrill seeking clearly references socially available constructions of juvenile offending and offenders (on hooliganism see Pearson (1983) on thrill seeking see Katz (1988) Presdee (2000)).One way in which commentators have act to rene their understandings of hacker motivations is to elicit from hackers themselves their reasons for engaging in computer crimes. There now exist a number of studies, both popular and scholarly in which (primarily young) hackers have been interviewed about their illicit activities (for example, Clough and Mungo 1992 Taylor 1999 Verton 2002). In addition, hackers themselves have authored texts and documents in which they elaborate upon their ethos and aims (see, for example, Dr K 2004). Such insider accounts cite motivations very different from those cited by outsiders. In fact, they consistently invoke a rationale for hacking that explicitly mobilises the hacker ethic of an earlier generation of computer enthusiasts.In hackers self-presentations, they are motivated by factors such as intellectual curiosity, the desire for expanding the boundaries of knowledge, a commitment to the free ow and exchange of information, resistance to political authoritarianism and corporate domination, and the aim of improving computer security by exposing the laxity and retardation of those charged with safeguarding socially sensitive data. However, such accounts straig ht from the horses mouth do not necessarily furnish insights into hacker motivations that are any more objectively true than those attributed by outside observers. As Taylor (1999) notes it is difcult . . . to separate cleanly the ex ante motivations of hackers from their ex get off justications (p.44, italics in original). In other words, such self-attributed motivations may well be rhetorical devices mobilised by hackers to justify their law-breaking and defend themselves against accusations of criminality and deviance. Viewed in this way, hackers accounts can be seen as part of what criminologists Sykes and Matza (1957) call techniques of neutralisation. gibe to Sykes and Matza, delinquents will make recourse to such techniques as a way of overcoming the inhibitions or guilt they may otherwise feel when embarking upon law-breaking activity. These techniques hold strategies such as denial of injury, denial of the victim, animadversion of the condemners and appeal to higher loya lties. The view of hackers self-narrations as instances of such techniques can be supported if we examine hacker accounts. A clear illustration is provided by a now famous (or infamous) document called The Conscience of a Hacker authored by The Mentor in 1986, now better know as The Hackers Manifesto.In the Manifesto, its author explains hackers motivations by citing factors such as the boredom experienced by smart kids at the mercy of incompetent school teachers and sadists the experience of being constantly dismissed by teachers and parents as damn kids who are all alike the desire to access a service that could be dirt-cheap if it wasnt run by proteering gluttons the desire to explore and learn which is denied by you who build atomic bombs, . . . wage wars, . . . murder, trucking rig and lie (The Mentor 1986). Such reasoning clearly justies hacking activities by re-labelling harm as curiosity, by suggesting that victims are in some sense getting what they deserve as a consequenc e of their greed, and spell tables on accusers by claiming the moral high ground through a citation of real crimes committed by the legitimate political and scotch establishment. Again, we see an inter-generational dimension that references commonplace understandings of misunderstood youth and the corrupt and broken-down nature of the adult world.Thus young hackers themselves invest in and mobilise a perennial, socially available discourse about the disconnection between society and its youth. Discourses of Addiction Computers, Drugs and the Slippery Slope A second strand of thinking about hacking downplays motivations and choices, and emphasises instead the psychological and/or social factors that seemingly dispose certain individuals or groups toward law-breaking behaviour. In such accounts, free choice is sidelined in favour of a view of human actions as fundamentally caused by forces acting within or upon the offender. From an individualistic perspective, some psychologists have attempted to explain hacking by viewing it as an extension of compulsive computer use over which the actor has limited control.So-called Internet Addiction Disorder is viewed as an addiction akin to alcoholism and narcotic dependence, in which the sufferer loses the capacity to utilization restraint over his or her own habituated desire (Young 1998 Young, Pistner and Omara 1999). Some accounts of teenage hacking draw explicit parallels with drug addiction, going so far as to suggest that engagement in relatively barren hacking activities can lead to more serious infractions, just as use of soft drugs like marijuana is commonly claimed to constitute a slimed slope leading to the use of hard drugs like crack cocaine and heroin (Verton 2002, pp.35, 39, 41, 51).
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Marketing and Refrigerators
martING bulge BIMM(PGDM-A) GROUP MEMBERS * BHOOMIKA JOSHI * HIRAL SAVLA * PRIYANKA VARDANI * SWATI DIXIT * SHRUTI SANCHETI * SNEHA UPADHAYA * RUMPA SARKAR INDIAN REFRIGERATOR pains ( food merc communicateise ANALYSIS) Refrigerator grocery in India Refrigerators experience been fabricate in India since 1950s. Till the eighties players like Godrej , Kelvinator , Allwyn & vitamin A international angstrom unitere Voltas controlled close to 90% of the grocery place. Earlier the white goods cuckold was categorized as a sumptuosity goods persistence and was subject to oppressive tax revenue & angstrom unitamp licensing. The situation changed subsequently the liberalization of the Indian economy in the early 1990s.The government removed both bulwarks and now there is no restriction on contradictory investments and licences argon no longer required. Post-liberalization , a progeny of foreign companies entered the food securities industry and many domestic players e xcessively diversified into iceboxs. BPL & VIDEOCON who already had a presence in the consumer electronics trade leveraged their strengths to enter the durables sector. The refrigerator, today, quite patently is an indispensable item of apieceday give. The refrigerator grocery has registered almost 40% step-up over the last 4 years from 3. 3million units in 2004/05 to 4. million units in 2008/09. With developing disposable incomes and a confused perceptivity train for the category (34% even in urban India), the market is set to flip ones lid in the coming atomic number 23 years. The pass on scenario in India is that refrigerators take a leak the most aspirational lever after televisions. This shows that the increment rate of refrigerator is high. Today refrigerators be being manufactured in twain basic designs which atomic number 18 a) Direct Cool Refrigerator b) icing Free Refrigerator In these two designs of refrigerators, the direct cool off design market is much(prenominal) more(prenominal) than the expensive frost-free stumpers.Although the fruit is marginal in the direct cool samples, the major factor for its growth is the availability of beginning belld pretences. Indian refrigerator market is value at Rs 4000 crore. Refrigerators hold provided 16% of consumer durable market that is valued at more or less Rs. 20,000-25,000 crore in India. Its market is growing at the rate of 7-8% annu aloney. study BRANDS OF REFRIGERATORS IN INDIA * Akai Refrigerators * Allwyn Refrigerators * BPL Refrigerators * Daewoo Refrigerators * Electrolux Refrigerators * Frigidaire Refrigerators * GE Refrigerators * Godrej Refrigerators Hitachi Refrigerators * Kelvinator Refrigerators * LG Refrigerators feed Refrigerators * Samsung Refrigerators tangy Refrigerators * Siemens Refrigerators * Videocon Refrigerators * Voltas Refrigerators * SWOT analysis for Indian Refrigerator Industry Strengths 1. Presence of complete distribution internets in both urban and rural argonas 2. Presence of well- cognise cross outs 3. In recent years, organized sector has change magnitude its sh argon in the market vis a vis the unorganized sector. Weaknesses 1. Demand is seasonal and is high during festive seasonal 2.Demand is dep barent on good monsoons 3. Poor government expending on infrastructure 4. showtime buy occasion of consumers Opportunities 1. In India, the penetration level of white goods is lower as compared to unlike developing countries. 2. Unexploited rural market 3. Rapid urbanization 4. Increase in income levels, i. e. increase in purchasing power of consumers 5. Easy availability of finance terrors 1. high import duties on raw materials oblige in the Budget 2007-08 2. Cheap imports from Singapore, chinaware and some former(a) Asian countries COMPETITIVE FORCES IN INDIAN REFRIGERATOR INDUSTRYThe model of pure competition implies that risk-adjusted rates of hurl should be constant across firms a nd industries. However, many economic studies absorb affirmed that variant industries rump sustain diametrical levels of profitability part of this difference is explained by persistence structure. Refrigerators constitute the second astronomicst ingathering surgical incision within the Indian consumer durables sectors in India. On the foundation garment of Michael Porters five forces model an industry faces the following(a) competitive forces Diagram of Porters 5 Forces provider POWER Supplier concentration wideness of volume to supplierDifferentiation of inputs Impact of inputs on be or preeminence Switching cost of firms in the industry Presence of replacing inputs Threat of forward integration cost relative to total purchases in industry BARRIERS TO ENTRY Absolute cost advantages proprietorship learning curve accession to inputs organisation policy Economies of scale Capital requirements blade identity Switching costs Access to distribution Expected retalia tion trademarked increases THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES -Switching costs -Buyer inclination to backlog - equipment casualty-performance trade-off of substitutes BUYER POWER dicker leverageBuyer volume Buyer information stag identity Price sensitivity Threat of backward integration Product differentiation Buyer concentration vs. indusry. Substitutes available Buyers incentives gunpoint OF RIVALRY -Exit barriers -Industry concentration -Fixed costs/ measure added -Industry growth -Intermittent over electrical capacity -Product differences -Switching costs -Brand identity -Diversity of rivals -Corporate put on the line Designing Competitive Strategies of Refrigerators A market with competition may typically be occupied by * merchandise LEADER- LG (29. 4%) * MARKET CHALLANGER- WHIRLPOOL (25%) * MARKET FOLLOWER- GODREJ (22%) MARKET NICHES- HAIER (5%) MARKET LEADER (LG) STRATEGIES LG marketing system is to increase its market share. LGs freshly dodge aims to focus on the premium comp onent of the market that fetches greater margins as remote to volumes. The company claims this will turn a profit its consumers, direct partners and stakeholders as it focuses on crossings that drive quick growth and lead in their brand category to create value for customers. In India for more than a decade now, LG is the market leader in consumer durables and acknowledge as a leading engineering science innovator in the information technology.LG is the acknowledge trendsetter for the consumer durable industry in India with the smart ever nationwide reach, latest international technology and product innovation. Indian challenges The challenges approach by LG when it entered the market in 1995 were Low brand awareness about LG in India. One of the last MNCs to enter India. (Samsung, Sony amp Panasonic entered in 1995 amp LG in 1997. ) proud import duty. Competition from local players and other multinational companies in the consumer Electronics discussion section P rice sensitiveness of Indian consumers Factors for success ripe marketing strategies (pre-emptive defense) To make itself a known brand in this sector, LG has taken advanced(a) marketing and promotional initiatives Launch of new technologies in the sector. It has state of art, RampD labs in Pune and Bangalore. (position defense) LG with its motive of feels good functional channel schema and wide distribution network LG has adopted the regional distribution model in India. All the distributors work straightway with the company. This has resulted in quicker rotation of stocks, and dampen penetration into the B, C, and D physical bodyify markets.LG withal follows the strategy of stock rotation, rather than chuck out stocks on channel partners. LG has over 46 branch offices and another 110 area offices across the country. LG had set a level of developing 2,000 dealers in 2004, in increase to the existing 3,000 dealers all over India. LG MARKET variance marketplace subdi visionation flush toilet be done on the substructure of * Geographic naval division arena all metro cities and suburbs. * demographic breakdown Family coat 1-2, 3-4, 5+ sex male, female. Income 3, 00, 000Rs and above. friendly sept running(a) conformation, midsection curriculum and amphetamine berth midpoint class. Psychographic segmentation vitality-style destination oriented, health oriented. * Behavioural segmentation do festivals and regular occasions. Benefits shade, service. Loyalty status none, medium, strong, absolute. cockiness set unaware, aware, interested, desirous, intending to buy. LG MARKET TARGETING * LG has steered its market on the basis of the product that they are crack to the consumer, so they are following market specialization. * They are engineering * Upper class segment * Upper end * They are targeting to those consumer who are more concern of style product. Their product is more of upper mid class and premium segment, their targ et audience are those consumers, who want quality product as the ruff impairment. * LG is now going to rupture over to mid class segment and want to mass market their product. LG MARKET location SRATEGY * With the tagline Lifes easily ,LG situation is to differentiate their products on the basis of technology which appealed to the consumer on the basis of health benefits. * With the tagline Lifes Good its embodied philosophy to make piles lives better, convenient and healthier. * Their positioning strategy is technologically intelligent and futuristic. As they are in upper and premium segment, so they are featuring that their brand is young, vibrant and premium. * They are lecture about the value and changing lifestyles in their positioning strategy. LG PRODUCT RANGE LG refrigerators are divided into common chord categories - 1. Single room access refrigerators 2. Double door refrigerators 3. Side by side refrigerators Different models available infra each category are - 1 . sensation DOOR REFRIGERATORS (price range varies from9400 to 15800 Rs) * 27O Lts GL- 281 (3models) * 235 LTS GL -245 (5models) * 215 LTS GL 225 (4 models) amp models ) 185 LTS GL 195 (6 models) 2. iterate DOOR REFRIGERATORS (price range varies from 14750 to 60900 Rs) * 604 LT GR M712YSQ * 559 LT GR B652YSP * 491 LT GL 548 (2) * 466 LT GL 528 (3) * 422 LT GL 478 (2) * 390 LT GL 405 (2) amp GL 408 (2) * 350 LT GL 365 (2) amp GL 368 (3) * 320 LT GL 335 (4) amp 338 (2) * 290 LT GL 305 (3) amp GL308 (2) * 260 LT GL 27 (2), GL 275 (3) amp GL 278 * 240 LT GL258 (3), GL 255 (3) amp GL 254 3. SIDE-BY-SIDE REFRIGERATOR ( price range varies from 58000 to 175000 Rs) * 721 LT GR P267BTB * 693 LT GR P247JHM/ CSP 567 LT GCP227 (3) * 581 LT GCB21 (2) * 567 LT GC L217 (2) MARKET CHALLENGER (WHIRLPOOL) schema With 25% market share convolution is the Market challenger for the refrigerator Market Whirlpools international learning ability was initiated in 1958 when it entered Brazil, but it was the 80s that marked the beginning of Whirlpools aggressive strategy to be a world-wide competitor. India was identified as a growth market in late 80s when Whirlpool Corporation entered into a joint venture agreement with TVS stem to produce automatic washers at a plant set up in Pondicherry.This was a modest beginning was do to establish the Whirlpool brand in India. In 1995 Whirlpool Corporation acquired Kelvinator of India modified and entered into the Refrigerator market in India. In late 1995 majority ownership was gained in the TVS joint venture and the two entities were unify to form Whirlpool of India Limited in 1996. Housewives The publicise tagline is Your fast one in Homemaking, which inspires the Indian housewife to buy its product. 6th reason modify 6th sense cooling is the patent technology of whirlpool, with which it is move to take prisoner market share of the Indian refrigerator market.Economy Whirlpool has understood Indian market real about and has been entryway products as per the requirement of the customer from different segments. Whirlpool segmented the market chief(prenominal)ly on the basis of price and capacity. Price has been kept keeping the demand and wants of the customer and product is knowing such that it is feasible to e precise customer. Whirlpool has segmented its refrigerators under three segment WHIRLPOOL MARKET SEGMENTATION a)Geographic segmentation Region all metro cities and suburbs areas. b) Demographic segmentation Family size 1-2, 3-4, 5+ Gender male, female.Income 1,50,000Rs and above. Social class working class, middle class and upper middle class. c)Psychographic segmentation Lifestyle culture oriented d)Behavioural segmentation Occasions festivals and regular occasions. Benefits quality, service, economically executable Loyalty status none, medium, strong, absolute. tact stage unaware, aware, interested, desirous, intending to buy. WHIRLPOOL MARKET TARGETING strategy * Whirlp ool through its advertisements has been trying to target the housewives, trying to portray as a partner in understructuremaking. Hence, the prime target consumer for Whirlpool is Housewives. Whirlpool main targeting strategy is to provide economically viable kinsperson products. * They are withal targeting in damage of capacity and usage nature of the consumers. akin they bear different refrigerators for consumers with requirements of not very big capacities, i. e. Households, Small Shopkeepers and Bachelors etc, then different refrigerators for the middle class consumers who has average fare of income to dispose and different for the upper class or high class consumers, which includes people with high income and to a fault industries which requires storage capacity of more than 310 Lts.WHIRLPOOL MARKET POSITIONING scheme Whirlpool has been trying to position itself as partner in homemaking. This has been pretty much evident from the advertisements of Whirlpool. Whirlpools ad vertising tagline is Your supernatural in Homemaking. This is Whirlpools advertising tagline. Whirlpools primitively tagline was You amp Whirlpool. The worlds best woman of the houses. It has been evolved to reflect the changed homemaker of today versus the yesteryears. through and through Whirlpools intensive consumer explore Whirlpool found that todays homemaker believes in having everything perfect at home and takes pride in having achieved itShe has begun to hold back for that something exceptional, something additional in all the brands she chooses to dish out her achieve that. Whirlpool, as the brand that partners to this demanding homemaker of today, call this quality of hers as magic and wish to be the home thingamajig brand that helps her create her magic in homemaking. Hence the new tagline Yours magic in the homemaking. MARKET FOLLOWER (GODREJ) SRATEGY The Godrej have always believed in the innovation. It has always exclamatory on the development of new technolog ies. It invests large amount of its time and capacity in RampD.It goal towards beef up its presence in the market by introducing higher performance refrigerators for providing maximum benefit to consumers. The follower, Godrej is an adapter while following the leading in the market. It has imitated the commercial refrigeration technique i. e. , direct cooling from the leader of the market but on the other hand it is the Indias prime(prenominal) complete range of refrigerators with 5 wizard Energy Rating. By launching an entire range of 5 Star Rated Refrigerators, it has raised the bar on product efficiency while delivering the best monetary value for the consumers.Thus it is successfully and efficiently mournful towards its goal. Godrej marketing segmentation a)Geographic segmentation Region all metro cities and suburbs areas. b) Demographic segmentation Family size 1-2, 3-4, 5+ Gender male, female. Income 1,50,000Rs and above. Social class working class, middle class and u pper middle class. c) Psychographic segmentation Lifestyle culture oriented d) Behavioural segmentation Occasions festivals and regular occasions. Benefits service, economically viable Loyalty status none, medium, strong, absolute.Readiness stage unaware, aware, interested, desirous, intending to buy. GODREJ TARGETING scheme Godrej produces wide range of refrigerators to cater to the different demands of different type of users. In each category, it produces large number of models. Each model has different features and different capacities. While purchasing a refrigerator, determine your requirements and preferences. Godrej refrigerators are designed to have very attractive looks and designs. They have very sleek and snazzy frame. They can fit into even small flats and homes.These refrigerators are available in various colors, styles and sizes. away from exterior designing, the interior of the Godrej refrigerators is designed ergonomically to broaden great convenience of use, so they are targeting middle and working class customers who desires stylish yet economically viable products. They have also introduced 5 star energy rating, it is the first complete range of refrigerators with five star rating. Therefore, they are taking locomote toward energy saving and providing more economically viable products, by becoming surround friendly.GODREJ POSITIONING STRATEGY The tagline of Godrej is Brighter Living. Godrej says that the only if thing cooler than our fridges is the Kulfi we stash in our freezers. With several firsts swivel, a humidity tramp dial, freezer air-current design Godrej refrigerators have not only stood the test time they have also run well to head in the race with modernity. Godrej EON fridges are available in a swarm of dashing colors to go with decor and mood. There are polybag suspenders to hang up veggies in fridge.So every day, they are trying to make the world brighter place, with their services and also cooler. Therefore, goes with their tagline brighter living. MARKET NICHER (HAIER) STRATEGY It is quality price specialist as Haier operates at the highest end of the market. Haiers strategy mainly concentrates on their constant efforts towards internationalization. Several Chinese manufacturers who entered India priced their products low by compromising on quality, sentiment that Indian consumers preferred to buy low priced irrespective of their quality.This gave Indian consumers the impression that anything do in China would be bald-faced and of poor quality, but Haier break this Indian mentality by introducing high price product for upper premium class only, not compromising on the equipment casualty of quality. HAIER MARKET SEGMENTATION a)Geographic segmentation Region all metro cities and urban areas. b) Demographic segmentation Family size 1-2, 3-4, 5+ Gender male, female. Income 8,00,000Rs and above. Social class upper middle class, Upper lower class and upper-upper class. c) Psychographic segme ntation Lifestyle culture oriented ) behavioral segmentation Occasions festivals and regular occasions. Benefits service, quality oriented. Loyalty status strong, absolute. Readiness stage unaware, aware, interested, desirous, intending to buy. HAIER TARGETING STRATEGY Their targeting strategy is more customer-oriented. Haier understands the consumer unavoidablenesss better and reflects that in consumer offerings. It is a presentation of todays young braces lifestyle which connotes speed, style and togetherness. It targets upper premium segment by manufacturing vino coolers in the society.It is the niche segment in the Indian society as the use of the wines in the Indian houses is very less. unless few (very small in number as compared to the market) use the wines and thus Haier in the wine cooler segment caters the need of the only those customers that manufactures wine coolers (which are very few in the numbers with a particular unique demand) thus they are serving the niche segment. Hence their targeting strategy is to target upper premium segment. HAIER POSITIONING STRATEGY Life is very involving and occasional it offers you new challenges.Haier has peeped into life and come up with ideas that make living enjoyable and joyous. The main brand Idea was that Haier products are excite by Life this is now explicit as shake Living. There is also another perspective on Inspired Living. All Haier products are the result of closely studied actual usage patterns of home appliances, i. e. , inspired by everyday life. For example, Haier was the first to launch a Bottom mount Refrigerator in the country. It is based on a simple insight that refrigerator shelves are used far more often than the freezer shelf.So Haier has put the freezer at the bottom and refrigerator racks at convenient heights, so that you dont have to bend your back frequently. As a late entrant into the category, Haier understands the consumer inescapably better and reflects that in consum er offerings. This is how they write the positioning statement Haier is better than all other brands for easy adopters because it offers them benefits that help them lead a better life as a result of our endeavour to understand life better and work technology around it.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Why Video Games Are Good
A kid plops brush up in front line of the television and powers up his idiot box plot console. As he reaches for his controller, his mother has one point of trip up in her mind, more time wasted, another(prenominal) day wasted, video games rot my childrens mavin. Or do they? Video games fork prohibited a horrible stigma of corruption our top dogs because many take that they atomic number 18 pumping our childrens minds with sense little force and explicit content. Although many video games do include a substantial sum of money of violence, it stupefys second to the fact they can truly flummox you smarter according to many scientists and academics.They ar seen to be good hearing devices because of the riddle solving and strategic cerebration that is utilized to play video games. While in that respect is obviously no substitute for schoolroom considering, video games can exertion the brain in many different ways. virtually kids would rather pick up a joystick than pick up a textbook. Much to theyre unknowing they atomic number 18 exercising their brains. While traveling and discovering this arouse virtual world, they begin to figure out the rules and understand their marks in order use up the game and win.What might seem uniform a mindless zombie academic term on the couch for hours is actually individual solving a profuse measuring of puzzles that atomic number 18 instilled in their video game. soul vie a video game must solve and complete learn conflicts plot of land keeping their overall tendency in perspective. Playing a video game is similar to solving a science problem. Video gamers must come up with a hypothesis sequence exertioning to accomplish a goal, more than like a student conducting a lab would do.For example if a gamer is inquiring for a hidden token and they conjecture that the item is in a potassium hydrogen tartrates belly, they willing attack the potassium hydrogen tartrate and discover whether t heir hypothesis was correct or false. If they dont find the item they must modify their hypothesis the undermentioned time they play. Video games are goaded by goals and objectives, which are essential for learning. scientific studies find sh suffer that the brain can channelize with practice. If you train yourself to complete a veritable objective, the part of youre brain that you are using can actually harvest-festival in size and operation. Another cientific count has shown that those who constantly challenge their brain have almost a 50% less chance of developing dementia. Video games are all to the highest degree inter officious and active exploration, unlike leisurely translation a novel. A video game requires your brain to make immediate decisions. While reading a novel will exercise your creativity and imagination, video games will make your brain weigh circumstances and evidence, get word situations, reflect on your overall goal and forge a decision. It is not aro und what youre thinking about when playing a video game, it is the way your thinking that challenges your brain.Video games make learning easier, comfortable, realizable and enjoyable. Any kid would rather learn how to slay a dragon than learn there times tables. This is simply because games oblation more immediate and visible rewards. Memorizing and study terms and theories may get you a good mark on your test, while beating the final boss will end the game. Gamers can also defecate their own adventure and decide their own unique fate and decided where they urgency to go and how they want to get there, inwardly the restrictions of the game. It becomes their adventure.This is all played from the safety of their home, which prevents fears of qualification a mistake in front of others. If they lose, they can simply restart and try again without the feeling of embarrassment. This encourages gamers to take risks and set forth their exploration opportunities. Although video games are no substitute for classroom learning, they have right outcomes that can improve our brains activity reservation it healthier and function more efficiently. So next time you contemplate buy a video game, think about it not as endless hours hold to be wasted, but rather as a large time investiture for better of your mind.
Monday, January 7, 2019
Organizational Structure Essay
To be successful in todays serviceman, organizations must quickly respond to a competitive and continuous ever-changing environment. In most cases that means being innovative, reinventing themselves and changing many a(prenominal) of the established ground rules of their consume industry. Organizational leaders force outt tout ensembleow their staff to settle and be content with ideas of the past. Organizations must challenge its management staff to embrace change plot of ground continuing to look for shipway and methods to improve. In many instances, an organizations organise can carry on the degrees of its successes. For instance, an organization with a decentralized structure, which has open confabulation system, tends to be more innovative.Organizations that ar more super centralized with most of the decisions being do at the upper level, tend to be much slower in their actions because of decisions that argon kick the bucketed d feature from level to level, where a s the decentralized organizations tend to react faster because it empowers its employees and allows them to make decisions at all levels of the organization. An organizational system that is being used world wide by many organizations is that of the cross- utilitarian squad. This aggroup c one timept brings together employees from various functional units within the divergence and it modifys them to implement and comprise b ar-ass ideas more rapidly, because of the upfront team range that limits the substance of trial and error normally associated with change. The cross-functional team approach provides an upfront opportunity to investigate the impact decisions pass on become on each functional ara and restrict them accordingly.The organizing function of management is the deployment of organizational resources to contact strategic goals. The deployment of resources is reflected in the organizations instalment of labor into specific de disseverments and jobs, stiff l ines of authority, and mechanisms for coordinating diverse organization tasks. Organizing is classical because it follows strategy. Strategy defines what to do, and organizing defines how to do it. The organizing process leads to the foundation of organization structure. Organization structure is a tool that managers use to harness resources for get things done. Organization structure is defined as the set of testis tasks assigned to individuals and sections chunk reporting relationships, including lines of authority, decision responsibility, number of hierarchal levels, and span of managers control and the design of systems to procure effective coordination of employees across departments.Parker Powertrain primarily utilizes a decentralized organizational structure. Although we are part of a six billion dollar mark organization, most decisions that impact our division are made within our division. The organization does absorb many centralized strategic goals that are h anded down to all divisions, provided each division excessively has its own internal strategic goals that apply to and impact only that division and its customers and product markets. Parker Powertrain withal utilizes the cross-functional team c erstpt within its division for most of its continuous improvement ideas. We concur cross functional teams that work on product design, six sigma, scrap reduction, new product launches, cost reduction, and productivity improvements. We rase fall in teams that focus on improving communication, along with recognizing and rewarding employees for outstanding performances and behavior. Depending on the tasks at hand, employees are elect from all vital departments within the division, and on many occasions some employees are chosen from non-vital departments, just to offer a myopic diversity to the team.We have several formal cross-functional teams which are part of the organizations formal structure. These teams normally consist of the co mparable members all the time, and their primary focus is unremarkably planning the strategic goals within the division. We also have special purpose teams, which have a specific purpose and once that purpose is complete the team disbands. An cause of our special purpose teams would be our communication and our rewards and recognition team. They were brought together to help receive or improve a problem, and once they are finished the team will dissolve. Another type of cross-functional team that our division uses is a problem-solving team. This type of team usually consists of hourly associates from within the same department who voluntarily meet to discuss ways of improving quality, scrap, and productivity. These teams continue to focus and work on those types of problems as they arise.Although our organization is already utilizing many of the tools mentioned in this article, I sleek over believe we at Parker Powertrain can advantage more by implementing more of the problem-s olving teams. We have several of our departments that currently dont utilize this method, and they could improve many of their mundane tasks if they would evaluate them and look for improvements. Unfortunately, we still have several managers that seem to be from the gamy ages and dont realize that our employees are our greatest asset, and that usually they can set about ideas and methods that can greatly improve processes because they can bring the knowledge that comes from first hand experience. My challenge to my divisional staff would be for them to either replace those managers that are guardianship the rest of us back, or impel them to seek the training and the skills necessary to enable them to brace change head on.Buhler, Patrick M.,The private instructors Role in expression an Innovative Organization, Supervision Burlington Aug 2002.
Saturday, January 5, 2019
Environmental Psychology Article Analysis
Environmental psychology is a moderately new subfield of psychology. Understanding how individuals interact, perceive, and reply to the built and deposecel purlieu is the cultivation of environmental psychology (Veitch & Arkkelin, 1995). Overcrowding, climate, and defilement ar some environmental factors that w shineethorn definitely permit a gigantic find out on human expression. intrinsic misadventures non unaccompanied signifi tushtly chance upon an individuals demeanor provided also a familys life.Further more than, discretion this substantial termination and ways to take for and heal the trauma of a subjective disaster is an important goal for environmental psychologists (Veitch & Arkkelin, 1995). In dreadful 2005, hurri sewere Katrina hit atomic number 57 (NOAA, 2007). The overwhelming aftermath left field Louisiana in complete destruction, leaving thousands displaced and almost 2,000 lives disoriented (NOAA, 2007). In addition, kidren were lost a s well as many electric razorren left without families.The psychological trauma brought on by this grammatical case is a root that psychologists attempt to understand. by dint of the condition Traumatization through and through Separation Loss of Family and Home as Childhood Catastrophes by Ute Benz (2004) this apprehension nominate begin to be met. Throughout this journey, the phrase leave behind be analyzed for its importee to the trauma suffered in hurri send worde Katrina, how the people of Louisiana especially young children cope, and how this type of disaster influences a persons life. bind Summary. Anna Freud created a mob for displaced children in 1940. These children were modify from their families as a result of the German bombardment of London (Benz, 2004). These children were alienated not only from their families exactly also their environment. Through Anna Freuds interrogation during and after this time, she could fall apart comprehend the needs and dev elopment of children, peculiarly during stressful times (2004). Separation from the home and family is whizz of the most distressing events that send away occur in a childs life.Benz (2004) explores the degree of distress and the fare of influence separation has on diametrical age groups as well as asserting the significance of how make dogivers respond and react to these children. The short and long-term effectuate are also investigated. Benz does this through the gains of Anna Freud and Hans Keilson (2004). The article takes on a psychoanalytic climb and emphasizes the importance of separation and trauma in a childs life along with how a child will function.Hurricane Katrina and Environmental Psychology. As stated above, the effects of hurricane Katrina were devastating. The trauma that the children of Louisiana suffered because of this huge disaster and family separation was extensive. The long-term effects can be theorized only at this point, as this event just occurre d in August 2005. Although known that there are current points in a childs life in which separation is more distressing aggression and guilt can occur including ambivalent feelings of love and despise as the cause of this (Benz, 2004).Environmental psychology can hold a momentous place in tying in concert the effects of an environmental cataclysm much(prenominal) as a hurricane to psychological influence and human behavior. It does not matter what researchers or scientists try to do, natural disasters will never be prevented however, understanding what treatment image is better for survivors of any disaster or the best course of action concerning how to respond to this type of situation is essential. Not only does one have to deal with losing friends and family members but also one has to deal with losing his or her home and becoming displaced.All of these situations can be very devastating and can have a major effect on people, especially a child. culmination The correlation b etween a natural disaster and the effects it has on one is brought together through environmental psychology. The knowledge of the interaction or the environment and event as well as the behavioral and psychological response to the environment protract environmental psychologists through their desire and research for understanding an individuals behavior in regard to his or her surroundings.The work completed by Hans Keilson and Anna Freud contributed to the understanding of how the environment and the traumatic event of a child who has been separated from his or her family can have considerable psychological effects. The goal of environmental psychologists is to assist in the treatment and care as well as understanding displaced families, children, and an individual.
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